domingo, 11 de maio de 2008

imagina jogar totó numa mesa dessas?!?!?!?
super, super!

This device has got me to think about my lifestyle. For decades, architects, designers have been coming up with what we say an “impossible invention”. But we know that no one even thought flying like a bird but it was made possible by mankind for mankind. But living in a house with spinning walls instead of fixed walls makes me go wild! It is based on a similar principle that is used in hamster wheels. It’s you who have to decide whether you want to live as a rodent. Not really. The Multi Functional Spinning Wall as its name will make your head spin. It consists of arrangements of modules and their function changes as u spin it. It’s innovative but is it practically possible? Think about it!
The more you work at a time the more you are considered as “talented” and this product makes you a dummy head. If one is sleeping then the other member can’t get a cup of tea. If you want to sleep then your roommate has to go hungry till the time your alarm rings. It’s not a good idea to use it I guess. Waste of money and it doesn’t generate proportional benefits. There should be some better solution for saving space.

domingo, 4 de maio de 2008


Estou desenvolvendo o projeto de um fogão para a facul e para tanto precisei pesquisar uma gama imensa de formas e funções. E foi aí que me deparei com varios modelos de fogões solares.
Não fazia idéia de tantas possibilidades...
Resolvi então tentar prestar mais atenção a este grupo tão interessante (aliás, diria que muito mais interessante que os comuns que temos em nossa casa). Você já viu a variedade de formas existentes?!?!
Vale conferir.... e fazer também!!!
Não serei hipócrita, eu mesma ainda não montei, quanto mais utilizei, um fogão solar... mas fiquei muito pilhada e espero conseguir testar essa super tecnologia limpa em breve.